Monday, October 02, 2006

the "box" is so comfortable

So being home last weekend showed me how easy it is to just be stuck inside a box of comfort all your life. As soon as i was home on friday night it just felt good to be able to know where everything was, and that i have friends near by and i know where all the roads lead to. which is not a bad thing at all, it just makes things really easy i guess.

Its just so easy for someone to go to school and even college in albany and get a job that your not happy with, but its makin you money, and your hateing every day of it. And that could be the easy safe comfortable way to do it, but i felt that God was saying that i needed to go, and so i went. And now im outside of A box that i was in, but now im making a new box. one where im all good and everything is all good inside this little christian college. we have no clue what is going on out there in the world, and its sad. You can tell people are happy in this box, but i know i need to get out of it, and soon before its to hard to leave. I want to get out and help the teens and the poor. I just need to stop sayin it and go and do it.

Im not saying at all that living in the same town and going to the same church and stuff is not good for everyone, it was good for me to get a new change. I really liked where i was and James is a great pastor, and the church is a loving church that i really care for, but you get into so much of a rutine sometimes, it feels like im moving along in life, but just repeating the same day over(grondhogs day).

I guess it was good for me to just get out albany and move on with my life for sure. Im really liking school right now, so thats good for sure. Even though i wish i could be home, because its comfortable, its good to be here, and learning, and growin in knowledge closer to God. I really like where Im at, and i think it is good.

1 comment:

James said...

nice - you've been there a month and you're already sick of the bible college bubble - awesome!

Also - you need some links.